I recently purchased an Ashford e-Spinner 3, mostly because it looked like fun (and it IS!). I also purchased a WooLee Winder to go with it – I can in theory sit down, turn on the spinner, and spin nearly a half-pound of fiber with nothing more than adjusting tension. So, so sweet.

But I only have three bobbins, and the bobbins are $49 each. Looking around for an alternative, I encountered Akerworks, a company in Tennessee that 3D prints bobbins for a number of wheels, among a variety of other fiber arts-related devices. Alas, Akerworks doesn’t (yet) make bobbins for my particular combination of wheel and WooLee Winder.

But even better – when their customer service representative wrote back informing me of the bad news, it turns out that I knew her! I worked with her in the Navy in the mid-1970’s. You should have seen the look on Peg’s face when I told her I had gotten an email from Jill!

Jill – it was just delightful to run into you after all these (40+) years. You were then, and I’m sure you still are, an amazingly nice person. (And please let me know if Akerworks starts producing bobbins for my spinner.)